Sunday, January 4, 2009

2 years ago I decided I wanted one of those wagon wheel lights form cabela's but they are very expensive. So I dug out one of the old wagon wheels from our barn. It was so dirty. I cleaned and oiled it. We even bought the chain and hooks to hang it with. Then we discovered that it could not hang were I wanted it to because of the way our previous lighting was installed, so I picked another spot, but I needed to buy a light for it now. I picked one out and my husband got it for me the next Christmas with the promise to hang it before the next Christmas. Well 2008 was that next Christmas and no light. A few days before Christmas I couldn't stand it anymore and it became a little bit of a tiff. He apologized and promised to hang it before returning to work from Christmas break. Since today was his last day off I didn't think he would get to it, but he did. He hates doing things like this, but I think it turned out great! After he was done I decorated it with all of his shed antlers and a raccoon pelt we had lying around. I think it suites our house perfectly. Thanks a bunch honey I owe you big!!!!!

1 comment:

Yankee Girl ~ Missy said...

Love the wagon wheel. Great idea. I see your a D.L. fan. How cool! Their music rocks! They have with stood the true test of time. Thanks for following my blog.