My baby girl turned 2 on Tuesday, but she's been sick since Sunday. At first I didn't think much of it. My dogs randomly vomit or get diarrhea from time to time. By Monday evening she was still vomiting so I was starting to worry she may have ate something that was stuck, maybe a rawhide since that was the only thing missing. She didn't vomit over night on Monday so I decided to give her another day to see how it went. She vomited again late afternoon while I was at work. That evening there was some blood in her stool and the stool looked odd in color. So off to the vet Wednesday morning to xray that belly. In the car I noticed the inside of her leg looked red. When I got to work we xrayed her and since it was dark in there we didn't pay much notice to the leg. At lunch I took her out to pee after she vomited some water with blood in it, and noticed her ears were red and puffy. It was bruising, meaning she was leaking blood under her skin layer. Not good. By evening her armpits were bruised too. Very perplexing as all her symptoms don't seem to fit one thing. Now we are waiting for labwork which should be back tomorrow. So I'll update you all then, but meanwhile we have started something to help with the vomiting and an antibiotic.
A Spark Bird for Liam?
3 days ago
I hope yout girl pulls through!
Poor baby! Hope she feels better, Lisa. Please keep up updated...
Oh, I'm sorry she's not doing well! We'll keep you and her in our thoughts and we're waiting to hear good news! I know how it feels to have a young sick dog, I'm sorry you're going through it!
Poor puppy , we hope she feels better soon!
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