Thursday, March 18, 2010

Breed Quiz from the Louisville Show

A corgi with a tail? What kind of corgi am I?

Several folks were amazed that my daughter knew what breed this was, I was proud.

Do you know?

Hmm... think carefully about answering this one.

This dog loves water and fetching your slippers.

Everyone knows the outline of this breed, and it was recently the most talked about breed back in February, but I'll admit this is only the second time I've seen it in this color. What breed is it?

Take your guesses and I'll post answers tomorrow.

I'm excited to see what you come up with.

Let's see if you can beat my 9 year old dog wiz.


threecollie said...

Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Water Spaniel
Scot Terrier?

Ally and Eclipse said...

Cardigan Welsh Corgi, dunno, Flat Coated Retriever and Scottie :-D

Scariana said...

Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Irish Water Spaniel
Scottish Terrier