Thursday, April 2, 2009


The one thing in the world I would wish for is more time. More time to enjoy all the things in life I have and would like to do. It seems like I don't get much time to play with my kids. It feels like my poor daughter does homework all the time. She never gets to play and be a kid very much. Soon it will be that way with my son who starts school in the fall. I can already tell he is going to be harder to motivate to do academic work than my daughter is.

I wish I had more time to spend with my husband just hanging out enjoying each others company. He works so much and when he is home we are almost always doing something farm related or helping one of the kids.

I wish I had more time to keep my house cleaner and more organized, and to make all of our food. I make alot, but I'd like to do more.

I wish I had more time for my animals. How I would love to be able to do more training with them and even some therapy work, but I just don't have the time.

I wish I had more time for me. I have made it a priority to fit in my workouts for healths sake, and I do enjoy that time, but I wish I had time to do different things. My husband has his hunting and committees he is on and guitar lessons. I don't know maybe all those things make him feel stressed to fit them in, but he doesn't let on. I wish I could spend more time at dog shows. But training time is limited and show costs can add up fast. I wish I had time to do therapy work. I wish I had time to go to my Labrador club meetings and maybe even some local veterinary technician meetings. My husband always says go, but I feel so guilty when I am not there to say cook them all dinner, or put them to bed, or leaving my husband stuck with doing all the homework and taking care of the animals, etc.

I wish more time to spend with friends. I don't have too many and they are very busy too. But I do enjoy it when we get to hang out. Wish they had kids it would make it easier to bring mine along then they could play together.

So my wish would be for more time. What's your wish?

1 comment:

Darlene Clark said...

Hi Lisa
I know what you mean. I always wished for more time but now that I
have it I am unable to do much..Oh well. Hope to see you in late May.
I am trying to talk Grandma into coming with me.

Aunt Darlene