Monday, December 7, 2009

First Taste of Winter

Our first taste of winter came this morning with frozen water buckets all over the farm, and a dusting of snow. While I was out feeding the critters I found the snow flakes pretty and didn't think they would amount to much. As you can see above there was just a dusting, but notice how well it stuck to the concrete, that will be important later.

On the news there were school delays from schools further west than us. We couldn't imagine why they would be delaying school for this sorry amount of snow.

We got our kids on the bus on time. The snow had stopped falling at this point but the roads still had a covering on them. Of course no salt trucks were out yet.

Hubby and I left for work at the same time with me taking the lead and him following behind me in his truck. I absolutely hate driving on slick roads, and do not consider myself a good driver at all, but with front wheel drive and sporting a new set of tires I felt confident this tiny bit of snow would cause no harm, I have driven in much worse. Hubby is in my mind an excellent driver, so I wasn't worried with him at all.

We made it down the first section of snow covered road and came to an intersection. I had the choice of going straight down another back road, which is how I normally go, or turning and taking the state road to the highway. I chose the state road figuring it to be less slick and more well traveled. I turned then hubby turned. All was going well, then I for some reason I looked back in my rear view mirror just in time to see hubby going sideways toward the ditch. He over corrected and the truck (his two wheel drive work truck with no weight in the rear end, not our 4 wheel drive personal truck) spun a 360 away from the ditch, and headed in to the other lane (thank god for no oncoming traffic) and ended up part way in the opposing ditch. I was horrified watching the scene, helpless and sure he was going to crash. I turned into the nearest driveway and took off running to him, good thing I work out right. He was fine, just slightly rattled. The truck was fine. It hit nothing so not even a scratch. However with the wet snow on the grass combined with the steep grade of the ditch he could not get traction to pull out. A call to AAA was in order for a tow truck to pull him the 5 feet he needed to get back on the road. After I was sure he was squared away with help and a salt truck passed by I headed off to work, being a bit more careful and much less confident now. Before I pulled out I grabbed the camera and shot a far off fuzzy shot of him in the ditch, knowing we would laugh later.

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