Well my thermometer outside currently says it is 14 degrees outside, but my husband's job says spring is here. That's right He started third shift last night. That means soon it will be warming up and people will be stocking their ponds. Tonight he has a huge semi load of fish coming in from AR. A very cold night to unload fish if you ask me. He dressed the part in long underwear and all sorts of cold weather gear. I sent him with a big pot of homemade venison soup to help warm him up. So folks cold or not spring is here. In fact a few days a go it was warm around 55 and rainy and I heard some frogs croaking. By the end of the week it is supposed to be 60 and I bet I'll hear them again. That is the great thing about living out in the sticks, you get to hear all the sounds of nature. I'll try to record the spring peepers ( a type of frog) for you when they really get going. They get very very loud out here. I can't wait for the warmer weather.
1 comment:
I know this doesn't relate to your blog here, but I wanted to respond to the comment you left on my blog. Thank you much for updating me on Mr. Yorkie. I'm so glad to hear the little Yorkie went home with his family. If I had to guess, he's hanging on until they can handle it, letting them get more ready to let go of him and get a little past the intense grief of their recent dog loss.
Author of MAGGIE: the dog who changed my life
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