Thursday, March 26, 2009

Vaccines to help prevent disease?

Okay what else can go wrong around here? I thought everything was on the upswing on tueday when I left the doctors office. However that evening at the baseball meeting my little girl complained she didn't feel good. I was hoping it was just because it was getting late and she was very tired. She was taking benedryl because she had a reaction to a dye in one of her shirts and had an itchy rash. Not so next morning she had a fever and sore throat. So she stayed home with daddy. She stayed in her room and watched movies while he slept. When he got up her fever was really high again. We debated taking her to urgent care. Then when my son got home from his grandmothers it looked like he was having a reaction to his vaccines. So we loaded up and went to urgent care. Since both kids had rashes they immediately put us in an exam room instead of the waiting room. My son had a large swollen area that was hot to the touch on his right arm were he had been given his DTP and Chicken pox vaccines. He also was breaking out in little spots all over that were very itchy and he was getting more and more as time went on. He even had them on the bottoms of his feet.
The doctor was the one who had seen our son's toe the week before. I liked him then, not so sure now. He did a strep test on our daughter. It was negative so just a viral infection for her. For our son he agreed it was a vaccine reaction, probably from the chicken pox vaccine. We asked if he was contagious the doctor said no it's a killed virus. I didn't quite understand how you could have pox marks from a killed virus but ok. That's why we give dogs killed rabies vaccines cause they can't get the disease from it. So anyway we went home. I pulled out the vaccine info sheets our doctor had given us when he gave the vaccines. It said the virus was contagious. Then I got on the web and found it is in fact a modified live vaccine which made more sense to me. I was believing the Internet more than the doctor by now, but decided to wait and call our regular doctor the next morning. In fact our son has come down with a case of the chicken pox from his vaccine. It will most likely be a light case since it is vaccine induced. And they said he very well could be contagious for awhile, but that the vaccine induced form is less likely to be contagious. So we will er on the side of caution and keep him in quarantine from the rest of the world. I can't believe how uninformed the doctor at urgent care was. How many kids has he sent out into the world to infect other people. It is fine not to know something and have to look it up. I would have admired that more. There are so many things in medicine to know and sometimes you just have to say I don't know. So people watch your doctor and trust your gut. I usually don't refer to the internet too much for these sorts of things cause there can be alot of misinformation there to, so use responsible sources like medical universities and the CDC which is were I went. And remember a mother always knows her kids the best. I just hope I am done with doctor visits for awhile now. I just want to stay home with my itchy sick kids.

A photo of my son's arm were the vaccine was given.

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