Thursday, January 22, 2009

And you thought they took the cold season off

Today is the warmest day we have had for awhile. It is January 22 and it is reading 46 degrees on my outside thermometer. This morning the ground was covered in snow. Now it has all melted away except for a small patch on the north side of my house that gets a lot of shade. Anyway I heard a humming noise from inside the house so I went to investigate. What I found was this large tractor in my neighbors field. It looks like he is probably spreading lime for this springs crops. I would have guessed it too muddy with all the melt off , but I was wrong. Our farmers work so hard year round to provide food. Yet most of them have to have jobs off the farm also just to make ends meet. I find this sad that our country doesn't support its farmers and instead will purchase things from overseas just to save a dollar. Some of those things become recalled anyway so what are we really saving. So I challenge you this spring when those farmers markets open up to go visit one and buy something locally. It may cost a hair more, but the benefits of flavor and health and supporting you neighbor far out weigh the cost. Also if you are feeding a pet and want something locally made may I recommend Science Diet. They buy all of their grain from farmers right here in the Midwest. Mainly Ohio and Indiana. And one of their largest production plants is located in Indiana just over the Ohio line, thus providing valuable jobs for your fellow neighbors. Ok Ok I'll get off my soap box now.

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